Friday, February 7, 2014

Supporting your Wellness Goals

Supporting Your Wellness Goals
Compiled by John Hutchinson from other sources

Here are a few ingredients to consider as contributing to optimizing wellness during weight loss strategies and increased exercise and physical activities.
Leucine, an essential amino acid for good health, must be absorbed through a healthy diet. Like other amino acids, leucine acts in building protein and lean muscle mass. Leucine specifically may also help prevent age-related muscle loss, reports Science Daily. Leucine is also an important nutrient for the immune system, as well as being indispensable during times of stress and trauma.

 Leucine can be found in a variety of foods, including cottage cheese, lean meat, soy, whey protein, nuts, oats, beans, lentils, corn and rice. Leucine is also available as a nutritional supplement. Ingesting too much leucine may cause some side effects.

 Leucine may decrease hunger by telling your brain that your stomach is full. According to a 2006 article published in "New Scientist," leucine can enter the hypothalamus, a central gland in your brain that regulates metabolism and hunger. Once inside the hypothalamus, leucine tricks your body into thinking it has received enough protein through your stomach, suppressing hunger and making you feel full.

 Studies have found leucine to be 10 times more anabolic (muscle-building) than any other amino acid. In fact, one 2008 experiment published in the "Journal of Physiology" found that a diet high in leucine inhibited the loss of muscle in aged rats. Similar research at the Washington University School of Medicine using the elderly concluded the same results for humans.

[Compiled from 5 articles on Leucine, jh]

 L-Citrulline is a naturally occurring amino acid found in food, such as watermelons, and also made in the body. Our bodies change L-citrulline into another amino acid called L-arginine and also to nitric oxide. L-citrulline might help increase the supply of ingredients the body needs to making certain proteins. It might also help open up veins and arteries to improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure. The resultant effect is to keep the energy levels up, especially during exercise.

L-citrulline is used for Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, fatigue, muscle weakness, sickle cell disease, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It is used for heart disease, body building, increasing energy, and for improving athletic performance.

The rind of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a good natural source of citrulline. Watermelons contain an ingredient called citrulline that can trigger production of a compound that helps relax the body's blood vessels, said scientists in Texas, one of the nation's top producers of the seedless variety.

Found in the flesh and rind of watermelons, citrulline reacts with the body's enzymes when consumed in large quantities and is changed into arginine, an amino acid that benefits the heart and the circulatory and immune systems.

Citrulline can be obtained from supplements or from foods. Nobel Prize recipient, Professor Louis Ignarro says that when the amino acids -- citrulline and arginine -- are combined, our body's cells are encouraged to produce a beneficial gas called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide can reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol, according to Dr. Ignarro’s website. Citrulline also helps reduce lactic acid and ammonia in your muscle tissues. It promotes energy and assists the immune system.

In addition to watermelon, citrulline can be sourced from almonds and walnuts, although the higher concentrates come from walnut seedlings. Onions and garlic, liver, garbanzo beans, soy, peanuts, and dark chocolate are other food sources for smaller amounts of citrulline.
[Compiled from 6 articles on Citrulline, jh]

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a powerful antioxidant that promotes a healthy metabolism. ALA is both fat and water soluble, which enables it to effectively penetrate every part of the cell. ALA stimulates metabolic switches that increases the amount of energy available to our cells. This helps to optimize cellular energy, metabolism, and glutathione levels.

As a dietary supplement, alpha-lipoic acid appears to help increase insulin sensitivity, and may be especially useful in addressing metabolic syndrome. In addition, ALA works with other antioxidants to help neutralize free radicals and reduce cellular damage. It also acts as a synergist with B vitamins to help in the production of energy from the proteins, carbohydrates and fats consumed through foods. Researchers have investigated the use of alpha-lipoic acid in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, liver ailments and glaucoma. It may improve memory via its protective effects on brain and nerve tissue.

Lipoic acid is present in both plants and animals and is an integral component of the photosynthetic process of chloroplasts. Very small quantities of lipoic acid are contained in green food sources such as spinach, broccoli, and kale.

For 20 years, ALA supplements have been used to treat HIV, sciatica, cancer, liver problems, hepatitis, strokes, vascular disease, diabetes, cataracts, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, burning mouth syndrome and Alzheimer's. Some doctors also believe ALA can even help slow the aging process.

How much to take? Oral alpha-lipoic acid is reported to be well tolerated in doses up to 600 milligrams per day, and 200-300 mg a day is frequently used in Europe as a therapeutic adjunct in treating diabetic neuropathy. As a general antioxidant, a dosage of 20 to 50 mg daily is commonly recommended. Check with your health provider for the best dosage for your body.
[Compiled from 4 articles on ALA, jh]
Riboceine supports glutathione’s vital role in removing toxins, optimizing energy levels, reducing cellular inflammation, neutralizing damage from free radicals and oxidative stress. RiboCeine has been shown to effectively deliver cysteine into the cell, enabling it to produce optimal amounts of glutathione. Unlike any other nutritional compound in the world, RiboCeine has been the subject of twenty published, peer-reviewed scientific studies that were funded by the National Institutes of Health and other scientific institutions.

Glutathione (GSH) is produced by every cell in your body. It is the primary protector and detoxifier of the cell. For years, scientists and medical professionals have looked for ways to effectively raise glutathione levels. Because glutathione cannot be effectively absorbed through the intestinal tract, it must be supplemented via its essential building blocks, the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. While glycine and glutamic acid are readily available through regular diet, it is much more difficult to absorb the required amounts of cysteine. Until recently, N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC) was the most consistent means of enhancing the body's ability of maintaining optimal glutathione levels. Riboceine bonds L-Ribose and L-Cysteine into a form with a high absorption rate that delivers the cysteine into our cells. The pure form of Riboceine has been developed by Dr. Nagasawa and is available in capsules

Numerous dairy products are excellent dietary sources of cysteine. Ricotta cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt are particularly rich sources. The consumption of the breast, or light, meat of chicken or turkey can also increase your dietary intake of cysteine. Wheat germ is a very important dietary source of cysteine. Another way to increase your dietary intake of cysteine is to add oat flakes or granola to your diet. Granola is a mixture of oats, nuts, honey and dried fruits that is baked until crispy. Consumption of oat flakes and granola, in addition to providing the benefits of cysteine, can reduce your cholesterol levels. Research performed at the University of Minnesota Department of Food Science and Nutrition showed that regular consumption of oats over a six-week period greatly reduced total cholesterol levels as well as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. The results suggested that oat consumption can offer prevention against heart disease due to its cholesterol-lowering properties.
[Compiled from 5 articles on L-cysteine, l-ribose, and RiboCeine, jh]

Pantotheine (pantothine), a daughter molecule of pantothenic acid, contains the additional sulfur amino acid CYSTEINE. It may lower serum cholesterol and TRIGLYCERIDES in those with elevated levels, while pantothenic acid has little effect.

Pantothenic Acid is a widely distributed water-soluble VITAMIN and a member of the B complex (B5). The name is derived from the Greek word pantothen, meaning "'everywhere." Indeed, pantothenic acid is present in all cells, whether plant or animal. The commercially available form is the calcium salt, calcium pantothenate. Pantothenic acid plays a pivotal role in energy production from FAT, CARBOHYDRATE and PROTEIN. Pantothenic acid forms the core of COENZYME A, the enzyme helper that carries FATTY ACIDS throughout metabolism, including fat synthesis and fat degradation.

Pantethine is a dietary supplement that is related to vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid).  It is used for lowering cholesterol, preventing inflammation, boosting the activity of the immune system, treating an inherited condition called cystinosis, treating gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, and improving athletic performance. It is also used for improving energy, lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke, improving adrenal function, protecting against mental and physical stress, and preventing allergy symptoms in people who are allergic to formaldehyde.

Pantethine might increase the concentrations of chemicals that lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Mushrooms, cheese, oily fish, avocados, eggs, lean meats, sunflower seeds, and sweet potato are all good sources for Vitamin B5.
[Compiled from 5 articles on Pantotheine, jh]

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is characterized by the presence of ginsenosides. Ginseng is believed to restore and enhance normal well-being, and is currently one of the most widely bought herbal supplements. Ginseng (Panax) is believed to provide an energy boost, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce stress, promote relaxation, treat diabetes, and treat sexual dysfunction in men.

Some studies have found that ginseng may boost the immune system. Several studies in people have also shown that ginseng may lower blood sugar levels. There is some early evidence that ginseng might temporarily -- and modestly -- improve concentration and learning. In some studies of mental performance, ginseng has been combined with ginkgo.

There are at least 11 types of ginseng. This focuses on the Asian variety only (Panax). Ginseng is a plant and the powder used is taken from the root of the ginseng plant.
[Compiled from 4 articles on Ginseng, jh]
Vitamin and mineral supplementation may include but is not limited to: Potassium, Vitamins B6, B12, D2, and Thiamine (B1).

Potassium is an essential dietary mineral because it helps: build muscle, prevents excess fluid retention and maintain a healthy electrolyte balance, optimize nerve functions, the release of energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates during metabolism, regulate blood pressure, our heart and kidneys to function properly.

Because Potassium helps us to build muscles, helps our muscles work properly and helps us convert the food we eat into energy, it is particularly important to those of us who have weight loss goals. Bigger muscles burn more calories, so by helping us to build slightly bigger and stronger muscles, Potassium has a direct impact in helping us to turn our bodies into calorie burning machines.

By helping to provide the energy we need, helping our muscles (including our heart) work efficiently and effectively and ensuring a proper balance of electrolytes, Potassium helps us exercise daily, which is critically important to anyone wanting to shed a few unwanted pounds. Because Potassium is excreted from our body in sweat, those of us who are exercising to lose weight need to be extra diligent, conscious of the fact that we also need to be replacing the Potassium lost during exercise. As you can see, because daily exercise is a critical element to successful long term weight loss and improved general health, all of us with weight loss goals need to have sufficient levels of Potassium in our bodies at all times.

B6 and B12: These B vitamins help the body in converting carbohydrates into glucose or sugar, which is burned in order to produce energy for proper body function. These are often referred to as B complex vitamins, and are essential for the breakdown of fats and proteins. They help maintain muscle tone, protect the mucus lining in the digestive tract and mouth, and promote upkeep of nervous system and the organs like the liver, skin, hair, and eyes. Cobalamine is an excellent anti-stress vitamin since it is believed to enhance the health functioning of the immune system and improve the body’s ability to fight stressful conditions.

Thiamine or Vitamin B1 is an incredibly versatile vitamin. Not only does it influence weight loss, but it also affects your growth, your nervous system and your cardiovascular health. It's found in a number of foods you eat every day. It's also important to take note of how you prepare your food, as thiamine can be easily destroyed by many cooking processes. Vitamin B1 is also a requirement of cells to create adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is essentially the fuel on which your entire body runs.

Vitamin B1 itself will not cause you to lose weight. It is an essential part of a balanced and healthy diet to facilitate weight loss. Thiamine will help your body to turn carbohydrates into energy, but if your body does not use or otherwise burn that energy, it will still be stored as fat in your body. But, if you do stay active and use that energy, vitamin B1 will keep your body burning those fats and carbohydrates while helping to improve your muscle tone at the same time.
[Compiled from 8 articles on vitamins and minerals, jh]

Note: All of the above supplements may be bought separately from your favorite supplement provider, except for the Riboceine. Max International provides the Meta-Switch Weight Loss capsules called “Switch” which contain all the above ingredients. Learn more at

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Not All Antioxidants Are Created Equal

"Jane Says: Not All Antioxidants Are Created Equal" ... This is an excellent article about the oxidative process and how various plants provide certain antioxidant properties...

To read the article click the following link: ....

'Jane' omits an important fact. The body naturally produces it's very own master antioxidant and anti-toxin. This tripeptide is called Glutathione [GSH]...

Drs. Robert Keller and Herbert Nagasawa have been two of the leading scientists in the exploration of Glutathione. They, along with others, discovered that the GSH production in our body decreases with age and this occurs due to stress, toxins, radiation, disease, and other factors in the aging process. The best way to boost glutathione in our body is to add the ingredients needed in a digestible form so that the cells can manufacture more glutathione.

Many of you know I have benefited from taking the Max supplements they produced. If you wish to know more about Glutathione [GSH] and how to boost your GSH levels visit and explore the 'Science' and 'Products' tabs in the top menu.

To our health and the health of the planet....
John Hutchinson

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Max Intl. Product Information Links

Max Product Information Links

John Hutchinson Max ID #39160
Feel free to contact me with any questions:
(717) 413-7120 or
Max International

Cellgevity boosts glutathione production levels to help strengthen the immune system, cleanse cells, reduce inflammation, improve energy, and promote preventative wellness…

Purchase: Click the “SHOP” tab; I suggest trying for 3 months as a “Loyalty” program preferred customer for the lowest cost… or go here:

Meta-Switch Weight Loss System is designed to raise our metabolism without a rise in heart-rate and curb our appetite.

Switch Metabolic Enhancer Capsules

To boost the body’s metabolism while reducing the feelings of hunger pangs and food cravings. Switch™ Metabolic Enhancer promotes healthy weight loss by activating the body’s AMPK pathway through its propriety blend of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Luecine, Citrulline, RiboCeine and other ingredients…see Product Sheet:

Curb Slimming Bars
To provide a convenient, effective snack that can curb your unwanted appetite and cravings to help you lose those unwanted inches and pounds. Curb Fiber Bars aid in the purpose of weight loss by supporting the body’s metabolism and gastrointestinal system by acting as a pre-biotic and cleanser..
Curb Product Sheet:

To Purchase:

1.    go to: and

2.    click on “JOIN” tab in top menu…

3.    Choose Preferred Customer option; this will place you on auto-ship which can be canceled; The Loyalty program commits to a 3 month trial… and is the lowest cost.

4.    If you wish to get both components, choose the ‘Fit Kit’;

5.    If you wish to get just the Switch, choose the single bottle.

Visible Solutions Skin Care Products:

Video: One Minute Wonder wrinkle remover:

Video Intro to all skin care products:

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[If interested in becoming a Max associate, please call John Hutchinson to discuss: (717) 413-7120 or Skype contact: sun-1111 ]