Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ayurveda - Food as Medicine

Ayurvedic Health and Food as Medicine practices originated in India and have been around for about 5000 years. 

The teaching describes 3 fundamental body-energy types (doshas) which are Vatta, Pita, and Kapha. The aim is to return to a healthy and vibrant life energy through proper food intake which will balance your doshas.

If you wish to discover your dominant dosha type, visit the following link: Ayurvedic Guidelines for Determning Your Constitution ...  [ ] ... The 'test' will help you determine your 'dosha' or ayuvedic body type. If interested, print out the form and follow the instructions.

Your may read more about
your 'dosha' or body constitution's elements and attributes at:  ...which is also the website of The Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM...

For a brief introduction and guide to Ayurveda, visit:  

Food Guidelines for Basic Constitutional Types: 
To explore more on Ayurvedic Health and Medicine, visit The Ayurvedic Institute online at

In the Denver, CO area, contact: Karen Korona, M.S. through

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