Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Now !!!!!! .... Denver John


"Happy New Year" [English]

"Bonne année"  [French]
"Gutes Neues Jahr"  [German]
"Buon Anno,
Felice Anno Nuovo"  [Italian]

"Ano Novo Feliz"  [Portugese]

"Feliz año Nuevo"  [Spanish]

"Gott nytt år"  [Swedish]
"Happy New Year," we say... and we mean all good things by it. But, why wish happiness for something that does not exist... since the calendar is simply a human-made construction for organization and convenience... 
So, let me wish you a:
"Happy and Peace-filled New NOW!" ...
As we release the mental and emotional grips of life's 'thens' that have past ...or are yet to come, we find ourselves immersed in this Present Moment.

The Now is all we ever really have and which connects us to the ongoing ever-present Spirit which is the Oneness of Life ... So, I am grateful for our connection and ongoing presence ...and Happy New Now!
Good Luck and Happy New Now!
German: Glück und Glücklich Neu Jetzt!
French: La Bonne chance et Heureux Nouveau Maintenant!
Italian: Buona fortuna e felice ora di nuovo!
Spanish: ¡Buena suerte y Feliz Nuevo Ahora!
Portuguese: Boa Sorte e Feliz Novo Agora!
John Hutchinson
P.S. These translations are computer generated from an online resource, so, forgive me if they are less than perfect. I invite you to share a more accurate translation!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What are the top alkaline-forming foods?

Your guide to eating alkaline - What are the top alkaline-forming foods?

(NaturalNews) One of the keys to maintaining optimal health is discovering the correct way to eat food in order to maximize your alkaline potential, and in turn prevent chronic disease from developing in your body. But in order to do this, you have to first learn which foods are alkaline-forming, and which are acid-forming, as well as how to eat them in balance.

The continuous onslaught of chemicals, additives, and genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) throughout the common food supply, not to mention modern society's heavy reliance on processed, nutrient-stripped foods, is no doubt taking a huge toll on human health. Most people also eat copious amounts of food that promote acidity, which in turn makes them more prone to disease.

What most people fail to realize is that their bodies are constantly trying to achieve a state of equilibrium at a pH of about 7.365, which is slightly alkaline. To do this, the body draws from the nutrients you put into it via food, which either acidifies or alkalizes the blood. When there are not enough nutrients to maintain this slightly alkaline state, the body draws from backup nutrient reserves in the bones and other places.

When these backups run dry, the body's internal biological terrain becomes a hotbed for chronic disease, which is right about the time the mainstream medical system begins rolling out the drugs. A much simpler solution; though, at least for most people, is to simply switch up their diets and begin to incorporate more alkaline-forming foods into their everyday meals.

Alkaline-forming foods vs. acid-forming foods

As you may have already guessed, most of the foods that people eat today -- refined grains, pasteurized dairy, conventional meat, vegetable oils, artificial sweeteners, and processed sugars -- are acid-forming foods. Rather than contribute to the roughly 80 percent alkaline-forming, 20 percent acid-forming diet, which some experts in the field believe to be ideal, a diet composed primarily of these acid-forming foods inhibits nerve function and damages cells.

"All natural foods contain both acid and alkaline-forming elements," says the Conscious Living Center. "In some, acid-forming elements dominate; in others, alkaline-forming elements dominate. According to modern biochemistry, it is not the organic matter of foods that leave acid or alkaline residues in the body. The inorganic matter (sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium) determines the acidity or alkalinity of the body fluids."

According to several different resources on acid and alkaline-forming foods, some of the best alkaline forming foods include:

• Cucumbers
• Chia seeds
• Figs
• Sprouts
• Dates
• String beans
• Root vegetables (radishes, carrots, beets, turnips, rutabagas)
• Almonds
• Avocados
• Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage)
• Fresh coconuts
• Raw, grass-fed milk
• Leafy greens (kale, spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens)
• Raisins
• Lemons
• Cayenne pepper
• Wheatgrass
• Melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew)

These are just a few of the most alkaline foods available, and there are many more that you can see at the charts linked below this article. But this will give you an idea of the types of foods you should focus more heavily on incorporating into your diet, while decreasing consumption of acid-forming foods like alcohol, breads, feedlot-based meats, sugar, and coffee.

Be sure to check out the resources below for more information about acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods.

Sources for this article include:

Monday, November 26, 2012

"It's a miracle...."

Some people have told me, "It's a Miracle!!!"
Of course they have seen a marked improvement in their physical body... perhaps "less inflammation", "less pain," "more energy," "better sleep," "clearer mental focus"... or "quick recovery time from my injury," "super fast turn around time after working out," and more...
I call it "science."
If you wish to supplement your well-being and healing, I recommend giving Cellgevity a try for a 3-month period...
Cellgevity and other Max Intl products were scientifically researched and developed by medical doctors and researchers... and all products are reviewed and approved by the Medical Advisory Board at Max...
I make a little money when people purchase Cellgevity and other products through my Max website... and the other more important reason I share this information is that it helps us... it has helped me... and has helped many other friends and acquaintances ...
I'd be happy to talk with you about my experience and also why it is important to increase your body's production of glutathione if you are over 20...
If you do wish to talk about this and are interested in trying it, you can send me your number or Skype ID and I'll be glad to contact you...
My Max website is:

So...Expect the unexpected... may Loving Kindness be our Guide... and welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO

!New!  Sundance Dream Hutch (blog):  
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: 
Fusion13 Adventure Blog:
Sundance Wellness Hutch Blog:
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." 
~ Rumi


Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP,Max N Fuze
Free Trial to Eckhart Tolle TV

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Spiritual Singles Dating WebSite

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Five Best Memory Boosting Foods

There are possible memory boosting benefits from increasing your body's natural production of Glutathione [GSH]. Cellgevity with riboceine has been shown through peer reviewed research and studies to increase Glutathione levels by 300% within a few months of use. Cellgevity is a supplement produced and distributed by Max International through an international network of associates. I have been using the Max products since 2008 as well as having reseached Glutathione. My own associated Max website is: ...
Best wishes for quality health! John Hutchinson 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Meditation Tip - Setting Intention

And today we want to share with you one of the easiest yet also most powerful things you can do to elevate your meditation and your life:


Okay, first thing's first: the word 'blessing' means different things to different people, so let's first agree that you're free to interpret it in whichever way you want…

Whether it's in a spiritual, religious or even purely scientific context.

Because what's most important here is your intention.

When you initiate a blessing, you're channeling energy from a source greater than you, e.g. the planet or the Universe.

This both strengthens your connection to your higher self and raises your vibrations, allowing you to attract more of what you want and less of what you don't.

During your meditation today, follow these steps to perform a blessing on yourself:

1. Depending on your beliefs, ask your desired source of energy for a blessing. You can ask the Universe, or God, or even your spiritual self. In this case there is no right or wrong energy source; there is only what works for YOU.

2. Visualize an infinite stream of energy flowing from its source and into your body. Feel how this energy empowers you to live your purpose and manifest your ideal life.

3. If you're meditating at night, lie down on your pillow and drift into deep sleep as the energy courses through your body. You'll wake up feeling refreshed, focused and of course blessed...

4. If you're meditating in the morning, go through your day recalling the energy you were empowered with. This simple act of visualization will give you an instant pick-me-up whenever you need that extra dose of inspiration or energy.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cellgevity Enhances Your Glutathione Production...


The ULTIMATE in Glutathione Enhancement

Glutathione-Your Body's Miracle Molecule

 Every cell in your body is assaulted by destructive agents such as free radicals, chemical toxins, heavy metals and radiation that damage the cell, inhibit optimum function and accelerate the aging process and the onset and progression of the diseases and issues associated with aging. Glutathione is the master protector of the cell and defends the cell from these destructive agents.

Over 103,000 scientific studies and articles on Glutathione are recorded in PubMed, the official U.S. Government library of medical research. Those articles reveal the remarkable role glutathione plays in the protection and function of every cell in the human body and the support of optimal health and function. They also show the terrible consequences of low glutathione levels, and how those lower levels accelerate the aging process and increase vulnerability to the issues of aging.

People With Higher Glutathione Levels:
  • Have More Energy
  • Recover Faster From Exercise
  • Sleep Better
  • Have Greater Mental Clarity and Focus
  • Less Inflammation
  • Improved Joint Function
  • Have Better Immune Systems
  • Live Longer
  • Live Better
  • Improve the Health and Function of Every Cell, Tissue and Organ in the Body.
Glutathione (GSH)

GSH Is Your Body's Master Antioxidant
It is considered the master antioxidant due to its unique multifunctional characteristics as well as it's unprecedented ability to neutralize many types of free radicals that assault the cell. It is the only antioxidant that recycles itself again and again to continue fighting free radicals.

GSH Is The Primary Detoxifier of the Cell
Today we are confronted by over 80,000 chemicals in the air we breathe, the food and water we ingest, and the materials we touch and handle. Many of these toxic chemicals enter our cells and must be eliminated to protect the cell and maintain optimum function. Glutathione is the cell's first line of defense against chemicals and toxins and the primary detoxifier that can eliminate many of these toxins when it is present in optimal amounts.

GSH Is A Powerful Chelator of Heavy Metals
Heavy metals enter our cells in the same manner as chemical toxins. Fortunately, they can be removed from the cell by a process of chelation, and Glutathione is one of the cell's most powerful chelating agents.

GSH Is The Protector of the Immune Cell
Our immune cells are designed to protect us, but what protects the immune cell? Glutathione is the protector of the immune cell and allows newly formed immune cells to proliferate to attack germs and viruses.

GSH Is The Protector of Mitochondrial DNA
The breakdown of the mitochondrial DNA accelerates aging and increases cell death. Glutathione is the protector of the Mitochondrial DNA, and the lower the glutathione level, the more vulnerable this DNA becomes to breakage.

GSH Is The Protector of the Nucleus of the Cell
The nucleus of the cell regulates all cell activity and protecting it is critical to the health of the cell and its optimal function. When present in abundance, glutathione gives the nucleus the protection it needs.

GSH Reduces Oxidative Stress
Oxidative Stress is the most aggressive destructive force that assaults the cell. Cells manufacture a number of antioxidants to counter oxidative stress. Glutathione plays a primary role in neutralizing many different types of free radicals.

GSH Reduces Intercellular Inflammation
Inflammation is the mortal enemy to the tissues, organs and various systems of the body. All inflammation begins at a cellular level, and low glutathione levels are associated with inflammation.

GSH Is The Re-Utlizing Agent of Ingested Antioxidants
Antioxidants that are ingested (not manufactured by the body such as vitamin C and E) once spent, cannot be re-utilized by the cell unless they are first converted into a usable state. Glutathione is the agent that converts those antioxidants into a state that can be utilized by the cell.

GSH is a Reducing Agent for Hemoglobin, Allowing it to Transport Oxygen to Every Cell.
The purpose of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen to all living cells. However, when it is oxidized, it cannot carry an oxygen molecule and must first be reduced to an acceptable state. Glutathione protects hemoglobin from oxidizing agents and can also make this possible.

PROBLEM-Your Glutathione Levels are Decreasing, But the Attacks on Your Cells are Not!

The continued exposure to toxins, free radicals, radiation, and heavy metals can lower our levels of glutathione. This continued exposure causes cells to lose their optimum function. As the cells are damaged, the aging process and all of its issues accelerate. Energy levels fall, inflammation levels increase and all of the cells, tissues and organs pay the price. On top of this, injuries, infections and diseases further deplete glutathione levels.


RiboCeine - The Glutathione Breakthrough
RiboCeine is a breakthrough nutrient compound of epic proportion that has been shown to to effectively deliver the key precursor nutrient into the cell that enables it to produce optimal amounts of glutathione. Unlike any other nutritional compound in the world, RiboCeine has been the subject of twenty published, peer-reviewed scientific studies that were funded by the National Institues of Health and other scientific institutions. RiboCeine was developed by the world-renowned research scientist and medicinal chemist, Herbert T. Nagasawa, Ph.D. Dr. Nagasawa was a Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology at the University of Minnesota for forty years and at the same time he was named Senior Career Research Scientist for the Veterans Administration in Minneapolis. For thirty-two of those years he was Senior Editor of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Dr. Nagasawa now serves as the Executive Scientist for Max International. RiboCeine has significantly outperformed all other means of glutathione enhancement against which it has been tested.

View or download the Cellgevity Product Sheet

The information included here is from the Max Intl website, explore more by visiting: - or contact John at: ... Max Intl. provides science-based products that are proven effective. You can increase the quality of your life and also, if interested, share the Max Products with others as a part- or full-time business associate. I have benefited from Max products and as a Max associate since 2008.

Ayurveda - Food as Medicine

Ayurvedic Health and Food as Medicine practices originated in India and have been around for about 5000 years. 

The teaching describes 3 fundamental body-energy types (doshas) which are Vatta, Pita, and Kapha. The aim is to return to a healthy and vibrant life energy through proper food intake which will balance your doshas.

If you wish to discover your dominant dosha type, visit the following link: Ayurvedic Guidelines for Determning Your Constitution ...  [ ] ... The 'test' will help you determine your 'dosha' or ayuvedic body type. If interested, print out the form and follow the instructions.

Your may read more about
your 'dosha' or body constitution's elements and attributes at:  ...which is also the website of The Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM...

For a brief introduction and guide to Ayurveda, visit:  

Food Guidelines for Basic Constitutional Types: 
To explore more on Ayurvedic Health and Medicine, visit The Ayurvedic Institute online at

In the Denver, CO area, contact: Karen Korona, M.S. through